Our Mission: To provide high-quality service to the consumers of the District at the lowest possible cost consistent with sound business practices.

Randall Regional Waterline
Connecting Neighbors
Project Description
The Randall Regional Waterline Project aims to provide clean, reliable drinking water to our current customers and expands service to surrounding communities in south central South Dakota. The project plans to construct a 72-mile regional high-capacity water transmission line from the Missouri River to southeastern South Dakota. To continually improve existing service and ensure a reliable water supply, the project also includes treatment plant upgrades, associated water storage, pumping, and infrastructure components.
The project begins at the RCWD Platte Treatment Plant near Platte with significant upgrades occurring to our existing water treatment facilities. Then, the project continues with new water pipeline construction from the Platte Tank Farm southwest of Platte and routes east and north to an existing storage site south of Stickney. Lastly, the project continues with new water pipeline construction from the Stickney storage site routing east and north to a service connection site near Mitchell.
RCWD is nearing the completion of landowner negotiations and easement agreements. Upon full route determination, the Hausmann-GE / SEH team will commence engineering design and construction. Construction is targeted to begin spring 2025 with an anticipated overall project completion by summer 2027.
In addition to the waterline, the Platte Water Treatment Plant Improvements continue to progress. Groundbreaking for Treatment Plant Improvements is anticipated in summer 2025.